A blood-soaked bald man with blood streaming down his face and with 'EDL' tattooed on his fingers glares at the medics on the scene
Far-right groups made a speech about 'third world scum', with one speaker claiming Jeremy Corbyn 'hates everything British...and is destroying Britain'.
Before the demonstration the South East Alliance advertised the protest on its Facebook page, saying: 'Remember we are there for a purpose. To highlight certain issues we face. We are not there to have a kick-off with the red scum but we do know they will attack us and we shall defend ourselves without hesitation.'
And following the march the National Front posted on its own Facebook site, saying: 'A big well done and thank you to all white nationalists who attended Dover today to save our country from invasion. Respect to all in attendance.'
The Scottish Defence League wrote on their site: 'Well done to all the SDL and other patriot groups who went to the anti-immigrant, anti-refugee, support our truckers' demonstration in Dover today.'
Shadow secretary of state for international development Diane Abbott is among those who travelled to Dover to join the anti-fascist protest and she addressed the crowd.
She told the cheering audience: 'It's 2016, Time for those racist rocks to go. Mr Cameron, tear down those cliffs.'
Counter-demonstrations included members from Dover Stand Up to Racism (DSUR) and the Kent Anti Racism Network (KARN).
Bridget Chapman, chairman of Kent Anti Racism Network, said: 'We're here today because there's been a big demonstration called by fascists. It's about the fourth time in a year they've had a far-right demonstration.